It was lovely to welcome the children back after half term and the children were excited to discuss their adventures. This week we have been focusing on the story ‘The Princess and the Pea’ and looking at the different ways a story can be told as we visited the Polka Theatre to see ‘The Pea and the Princess’, a quirky take on the traditional story.
We let the story inspire our learning as we have developed our counting skills as we worked out the missing numbers, our fine motor skills as we made peas with playdough, and have enjoyed using story props to retell the story and add our own ideas.
We also enjoyed some fun STEM challenges during our Focus Time as we had to work out how to rescue all the bears from the lava. The children had to work together and using only the resources given to get the bear up off ground and balanced on the cups and planks.
The highlight of the week was the wonderful trip to The Polka Theatre. We travelled by bus and the children behaved beautifully during the long trip. We had front row seats and loved when the actors and actresses came to give us high fives before the start of the show.